ipad with photoWould you like to be privy to the genealogical research strategies of the producers of the TV series Who Do You Think You Are? Genealogy Gems Premium Members get an exclusive cut from my recent interview with Allie Orton, Producer of the series that has moved to the TLC channel.  Allie and her team work under a tight timetable and budget, and she provides tips to help you do the same.

Also in this episode I’ve got not one but two new cool tricks to pump up your iPad / iPhone for genealogy! And we’ll also tackle a question about digital file organization that will help you get more organized.

All of these gems are part of a very special Premium episode: #100!  And as a Premium Member you have access to all 100 in the podcast catalogue!

Premium Podcast
Not a Genealogy Gems Premium Member? Why not? Become a Member today and get immediate access to all of the genealogy goodness in both audio and video!

P.S. The remainder of the interview is coming to the next episode of the Genealogy Gems Podcast in early August. Stay tuned!


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