rootstech 2016 wish listAre you peeking past the holidays to RootsTech 2016? Early planning could score you extra discounts, dibs on free and limited events and a head start on planning your class schedule.

All attention seems to be on holiday planning this month, but RootsTech 2016 is just around the corner after that—the first weekend in February. Here’s a checklist of the reasons to plan your RootsTech experience NOW instead of waiting until after the holidays.

Discounted registration. If you register before January 18, you’ll save significantly on registration ($169 instead of $249 for the full event).

Online planner. This year, RootsTech has expanded its app to a full-blown online conference organizing tool. Use the RootsTech Connect tool to schedule which of the 200+ classes you’ll be attending—and pencil in some backups in case your first choice class is full. Of course we hope to see you at lectures given by Lisa and the Genealogy Gems team:

3:00 YDNA Testing for Every Surname in Your Pedigree, Diahan Southard

4:30 Proven Methodology for Using Google for Genealogy, Lisa Louise Cooke

Friday:11:00 Soothe Your Tech Tummy Ache with These 10 Tools, Lisa Louise Cooke
1:30 Proven Methodology for Using Google for Genealogy, Lisa Louise Cooke

11:00 Soothe Your Tech Tummy Ache with These 10 Tools, Lisa Louise Cooke
1:30 What’s Special About US Special Census Schedules? Sunny Morton

You can also use RootsTech Connect to add “Personal Time” events, like research time in the Family History Library and of course Genealogy Gems’ free Genealogy Think Tank sessions at our newly-expanded exhibit hall booth (#1230). More about that coming soon!

Rootstech 2016 think tank flier front

Dibs on free evening entertainment and limited-space labs. RootsTech always lines up crowd-pleasing entertainment in the evenings. When you register early enough for RootsTech, you can snag tickets to these for yourself and guests (until the tickets are gone, that is). So far, all RootsTech has said is that there will be a “high-energy and fun act” on Thursday for an Opening Social and a must-see closing act on Saturday. When you register, you can also pay for spots in computer labs and sponsored lunches. Computer labs usually sell out and they don’t do waiting lists, so get these early!

INSTAGRAM 640x640 altWatch for more about RootsTech 2016 in the coming days. It’s now the biggest family history event in the world, with over 20,000 attendees expected and satellite sessions that will reach thousands more throughout the world. Genealogy Gems will have an even bigger presence there this year. We look forward to seeing many of you!

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