How to Calculate Cousin Relationships – 3 free ways to figure out cousinship

There’s a free online tool that gives you three easy ways to figure out what kind of cousin you are. Are you a cousin once removed? Second cousins, or something else? Find out now with Lisa Louise Cooke.

Calculating Cousin Relationships

As a genealogist, one of the most common questions I get from family and friends is about deciphering cousin relationships – things like “what’s a second cousin twice removed?” It’s a tricky topic, but I have the perfect tool to help make sense of it all: the Cousin Calculator on FamilySearch.

Watch the Calculating Cousin Relationships Video: is a must-visit site for anyone interested in family history and genealogy research. It’s completely free to sign up and start building your family tree, searching historical records, and uncovering your family’s story. However, not all of the website’s features are front and center on the homepage. You’ll find three fun and free Cousin Calculator tools on the FamilySearch blog post Cousin Chart – How to Calculate Family Relationships.

1. Cousin Calculator Chart

The first method for calculating cousin relationships is a visual chart that makes it super easy to determine how you’re related to your cousins. By identifying the common ancestor and comparing how many generations you and your cousin are removed from that ancestor, you can quickly determine the relationship. Here’s how:

1. Start by selecting the description of your relationship to your ancestor from the options along the top of the chart (horizontally.)
2. Next, select the description of your cousin’s relationship to your ancestor from the options along the left side of the chart (vertically.)
3. Follow the lines to see where they intersect. In that space you will find the answer to your cousinhood!

Cousin Calculator Chart at FamilySearch

Using the Cousin Calculator Chart at FamilySearch

2. Cousin Calculator 

The second method is following the drop-down menus of the “Cousin Calculator” Start by selecting how your common ancestor is related to you. For example, they may be your 2nd Great Grandparent (the parents of your great grandparents.)

Next, choose the relationship of your cousin to that ancestor. For example, the ancestor may be the Great Grandparent of your cousin. The answer will appear in the “Your Relationship” column. In this example, the answer is You are 2nd cousins 1 time removed.

Cousin Calculator at FamilySearch

Select from the drop-down menus of the Cousin Calculator

3. Mathematically Calculating Cousinship

The Cousin Calculator goes even deeper, providing a third step-by-step process for mathematically calculating cousin relationships. This is a great opportunity to get the whole family involved. It’s a fun educational activity for the kids.

After walking through the mechanics of the Cousin Calculator, be sure to bookmark the tool on your phone for easy access. And most importantly, use it as a way to generate organic family stories and memories that come up when exploring your genealogy together.

Action Items:

  • Bookmark the Cousin Calculator on for easy access,
  • Try out the Cousin Calculator with family and friends,
  • Engage kids in the mathematical calculations for cousin relationships,
  • Use your phone’s voice recorder to record family stories that come up when using the Cousin Calculator.


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Virginia Genealogy Strategies and Best Websites – Podcast Episode 269

Episode Show Notes

In this episode, we’re focusing on early Virginia genealogy.
In our first segment, I’ve invited a professional genealogist to join us to help pave the way for tracing our ancestors back to Virginia just prior to the Revolutionary War. Jeri Satterwhite-Dearing specializes in early Virginia research in her work as a professional genealogist with Legacy Tree Genealogists.  In this podcast episode she explains some of the biggest challenges you’ll face when researching early Virginian ancestors, the records you should be looking for, and some of the best resources.  
In the second segment, I’ll cover a list of the best websites for Virginia Genealogy. 

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7 Best Websites for Virginia Genealogy

1. Archival Resources of the Virginias

Formerly known as Virginia Heritage, this website is a “consolidated database of finding aids that provides information about the vast array of manuscripts and archival materials housed in Virginia and West Virginia.”

2. Cyndi’s List: Virginia (state)

A comprehensive and growing list of links to genealogy resources for Virginia research.

3. FamilySearch Research Wiki: Virginia state page

A guide to Virginia ancestry, family history, and genealogy (birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records.)

4. Linkpendium: Virginia

Links to Virginia family history & genealogy resources such as census, birth, marriage, death records & more.

5. VAGenWeb – State of Virginia

Part of the U.S. GenWeb Project.

6. Virginia Memory

From the website: “Part of the online presence of the Library of Virginia, the state archives and reference library. The Library maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and fine art that tell the history of the commonwealth and its people.”

7. Virtual Jamestown

From the website: “The Virtual Jamestown Archive is a digital research, teaching and learning project that explores the legacies of the Jamestown settlement and “the Virginia experiment.” As a work in progress, Virtual Jamestown aims to shape the national dialogue on the occasion of the four hundred-year anniversary observance in 2007 of the founding of the Jamestown colony.”

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