Among the 3.7 million+ records new on FamilySearch this week are two updates that caught my eye for international regions that need more record sets online:
Nearly 1.4 million images are now browsable in a newly-posted collection of Nova Scotia, Canada, probate recordsdating from 1760-1993. According to FamilySearch, “This collection includes records of probate proceedings from Nova Scotia. The records include estate files, inventories, wills, administrations and other records related to probate. Most of the records are dated from 1800-1940, but coverage varies by area.”
Nearly 400,000 digitized parish registers for the Church of the Province of South Africa (1801-2004) have now been indexed. FamilySearch describes the collection as “digital images and partial index of parish registers of the ‘Church of the Province of South Africa.’ Since 2006, the church has been officially known as the ‘Anglican Church of Southern Africa.’ Original records are contained within the collection of the William Cullen Library, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The Church presently includes dioceses in Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Saint Helena, South Africa and Swaziland. Availability of records is largely dependent on time period and locality.”
I hope these datasets can help your South African genealogy or help you find your Nova Scotia kin.
Did you know that the CEO of FamilySearch International doesn’t have a background in genealogy?
Dennis Brimhall is an experienced CEO–that’s why he was hired. But he admits that some folks even within his own organization weren’t sure about having him at the helm if family history wasn’t his personal passion.
Since then–only two years ago–FamilySearch has grown under Brimhall’s leadership. Dennis’ interest in family history has grown, too! Check out the interview in my Premium Podcast Episode 107, just published. You’ll hear how FamilySearch is reaching out to the 95%+ of the public who is not actively doing genealogy by focusing on the same things that caught Dennis’ interest: stories and photos.
In this episode we also explore a wonderful resource for Missouri genealogical research, and then we make tracks on some railroad history.
Not a Premium member yet? You’re missing out! My website is packed with hours’ worth of Premium podcast episodes like this one as well as a full (and growing!) series of Premium videos. The videos are recordings of some of my most popular presentations, and they’re available to Premium members 24/7 from the comfort of their own computers at the fraction of the cost of attending any major conference! They cover many of my most-requested topics: Google searching, Google Earth, Evernote, using the iPad for genealogy, hard drive organization and more! Check out the full list of membership benefits here.
Family maps and migration routes can sometimes uncover new record finds and answer brick wall questions. It’s fast and simple to use these free tech tools to map your family’s history! I used them to track my ancestors as they trekked from the eastern seaboard to the Midwestern United States and found some fantastic leads!
There are two online treasures I have just discovered. FamilySearch and MyHeritage family trees can now be mapped with some neat interactive tools. MyHeritage just launched their PedigreeMap saying it is an “innovative way to view your family history,” and I think they are right. I have used migration maps to help me overcome brick walls and questions in my research for years. Using these free online tools have made it really fun and not difficult at all.
Creating Family Maps and Migration Routes at MyHeritage
PedigreeMap is free for all MyHeritage users. To access it, log on or create a MyHeritage account. If you are new to MyHeritage, you will be prompted to begin creating your free family tree when you click Sign up at the top right corner of their homepage.
Once you have created your family tree, find it by clicking Family Tree and choosing Manage trees from the pull-down menu.
To use the PedigreeMap feature, choose your family tree from the list and then click on Apps and choose PedigreeMap from the pull-down menu.
You will be able to see a map of the entire world in which your ancestors lives are plotted. From my map below, I can see the large concentration in the eastern half of the United States, but also the location of my ancestors from Europe.
Not only are genealogical events like births, marriages, and deaths plotted on your map, but if you put in a location of a picture, it will plot that too. You will notice, on the left-hand side there is a list of all the places that appear in your family tree. The numbers on the list match up to the number of each place in your family tree.
You can zoom in or zoom out, but my favorite part is clicking a location in the list to the left. For example, if I click on Marion, Linn, another list pops up on the right. This list shows me what events took place in Marion, Linn County, Iowa.
Additionally, I can see major roads, rivers, and hills. I can even click on the satellite view to see the street where my great-grandparents were married!
There are many more wonderful tools on PedigreeMap that you will want to check out. To learn more about all the unique features, read their article here.
Creating Family Maps and Migration Routes with FamilySearch
RootsMapper has been around awhile and is an interactive mapping website that works with FamilySearch. As you know, FamilySearch allows users to create a family tree online and search all their records for free. Like PedigreeMap, you will need to create your free account and family tree at FamilySearch. Then, go to the FamilySearch Apps page and click on RootsMapper. Now, click Get Started.
When you are redirected to the RootsMapper homepage, click Login to begin mapping. You will use your FamilySearch username and password. By clicking Accept, you give permission for RootsMapper to use your FamilySearch tree data.
The interactive map has various features. I particularly like the lines showing both the migration of my paternal line and my maternal line.
Did you notice my paternal line goes right through modern day West Virginia? Several years ago, I had “lost” my Walls family line. By plotting their known whereabouts on a map and connecting the dots, I could see possible migration routes. In fact, during that time frame, they likely took nothing but trails into Monongalia, Virginia. I did a search for records along this path and was surprised to find my fifth great grandfather on a tax roll for Virginia in 1790!
You can play around with the settings and map just one generation, five generations, or even ten generations. The options allow for pins, migration lines, changing the root person you are charting and much, much more.
It really is amazing how innovative genealogy research is today. The Genealogy Gems team delights in sharing new tech tools and tips to help you in your genealogy goals. Why not try out one of these family map and migration route tools today and share with us your thoughts? Leave a comment below!
There’s a free online tool that gives you three easy ways to figure out what kind of cousin you are. Are you a cousin once removed? Second cousins, or something else? Find out now with Lisa Louise Cooke.
Calculating Cousin Relationships
As a genealogist, one of the most common questions I get from family and friends is about deciphering cousin relationships – things like “what’s a second cousin twice removed?” It’s a tricky topic, but I have the perfect tool to help make sense of it all: the Cousin Calculator on FamilySearch.
Watch the Calculating Cousin Relationships Video: is a must-visit site for anyone interested in family history and genealogy research. It’s completely free to sign up and start building your family tree, searching historical records, and uncovering your family’s story. However, not all of the website’s features are front and center on the homepage. You’ll find three fun and free Cousin Calculator tools on the FamilySearch blog post Cousin Chart – How to Calculate Family Relationships.
1. Cousin Calculator Chart
The first method for calculating cousin relationships is a visual chart that makes it super easy to determine how you’re related to your cousins. By identifying the common ancestor and comparing how many generations you and your cousin are removed from that ancestor, you can quickly determine the relationship. Here’s how:
1. Start by selecting the description of your relationship to your ancestor from the options along the top of the chart (horizontally.)
2. Next, select the description of your cousin’s relationship to your ancestor from the options along the left side of the chart (vertically.)
3. Follow the lines to see where they intersect. In that space you will find the answer to your cousinhood!
Using the Cousin Calculator Chart at FamilySearch
2. Cousin Calculator
The second method is following the drop-down menus of the “Cousin Calculator” Start by selecting how your common ancestor is related to you. For example, they may be your 2nd Great Grandparent (the parents of your great grandparents.)
Next, choose the relationship of your cousin to that ancestor. For example, the ancestor may be the Great Grandparent of your cousin. The answer will appear in the “Your Relationship” column. In this example, the answer is You are 2nd cousins 1 time removed.
Select from the drop-down menus of the Cousin Calculator
3. Mathematically Calculating Cousinship
The Cousin Calculator goes even deeper, providing a third step-by-step process for mathematically calculating cousin relationships. This is a great opportunity to get the whole family involved. It’s a fun educational activity for the kids.
After walking through the mechanics of the Cousin Calculator, be sure to bookmark the tool on your phone for easy access. And most importantly, use it as a way to generate organic family stories and memories that come up when exploring your genealogy together.
Action Items:
Bookmark the Cousin Calculator on for easy access,
Try out the Cousin Calculator with family and friends,
Engage kids in the mathematical calculations for cousin relationships,
Use your phone’s voice recorder to record family stories that come up when using the Cousin Calculator.
Listen to my interview in episode #191 on the Family Tree Magazine podcast with Lisa Lisson on understanding cousinhood.