Listen to the free Genealogy Gems Podcast with Lisa Louise Cooke

Are you listening to The Genealogy Gems Podcast yet? This free audio show helps you make the most of your family history research time by providing quick and easy-to-use research techniques. Producer and host Lisa Louise Cooke brings you the best websites, best practices, and best resources available. This podcast is 100% free!

Click here to start listening right now on our computer.

On your smartphone or tablet it’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. open your device’s podcast app: Apple Podcasts on the iPhone / iPad, or Google Podcasts on Android.
  2. search for “Genealogy Gems”.
  3. When the show pops up, tap the “Subscribe” button.

That way, the show will be in your podcast app’s Library ready to listen when you are!

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