Image result for ngs 2019 conferenceNational Genealogical Society Family History Conference May 8-11, 2019 St. Charles, MO

Genealogy Gems Booth #700

Schedule of Booth Activities

Check this page again before you go for more specific information and schedule.

  • Sign up to receive our free ebook
  • Prize Drawings
  • New to podcasts? We’ll help you get set up to listen.
  • Book signing
  • Live podcast interviews
  • Share and record a gem with Lisa and you just may end up on the podcast!


FREE eBook – New for 2019!

Attend any session and sign up to receive our free ebook of awesome articles by Lisa Louise Cooke and other experts! Here’s what Mona L. had to say about the sessions she attended at a recent conference:

“Lisa, LOVE the E-book, it is so helpful to have a follow-up from the plethora of info at Providence. I still feel the cost of the plane trip from Illinois and the cost of the conference were worth every penny to hear your presentations. And thankfully I now I have started a library of Lisa Louise Cooke books. I look forward to your next, whatever it will be. You still ROCK!”

Attend Lisa’s NGS Classes

Arrive early for a great seat

Wednesday, May 8, 2019, at 2:30 PM Create a Free Map Collection in Google Earth Customized for Your Genealogy Research (W145)
Learn how to find maps for ancestral locations, add them as overlays to Google Earth, and organize them into your personal reference collection for free. Level: All

Friday, May 10, 2019, at 4:00 PM Time Travel with Google Earth (F358)
Discover how old maps, genealogical records, images, and videos come together to create stunning interactive time travel experiences in the free Google Earth Pro. Level: All

Saturday, May 11, 2019, at 8:00 AM Google Search Secrets Revealed (S408)
There’s so much more to Google than meets the eye. Come see how you can take your genealogical searching to the next level! Level: IA

Attend Lisa’s Mini-Classes in the Demo Theater

Arrive early for a great seat

Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 1:00 PM Lisa Louise Cooke’s Favorite Mobile Apps
Come find out what which apps I’m using on my phone for genealogy. Prize Drawing: A copy of the book Mobile Genealogy by Lisa Louise Cooke.

Saturday, May 11, 2019, at 1:00 PM To be announced 
Level: All

New Products

Wear your passion for all to see!

Come see our line of genealogy inspired jewelry in person. Shop new styles and exclusive RootsTech special deals!

Brand New Brooch!

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