How can you share family history stories and memories without boring your relatives? Catch this free video preview of...
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Best Websites for Historical Maps: A New Premium Video!
Looking for a pre-1700 map of the Americas as the Europeans found it? Yearning to survey the plot of land your...
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: NEW Video Class
If your family lived in the U.S. between the late 1800s to mid-1900s, you should look for their home on Sanborn Fire...
NEW! Updated Tips for Using Your iPad for Genealogy
Are you using your iPad for genealogy? Or a tablet computer? You should! There are SO many family history-friendly...
Use Evernote to Organize Photos? Hmm……
Recently I heard from John B., who asked a question I get a lot these days: "Hello, Lisa, I've enjoyed listening to...
The Way That Genealogists Can Remember Everything
You asked for it and now it's here! The newest Genealogy Gems Premium Video is my incredibly popular class How the...