Do you have a smartphone, iPad or tablet? Watch this free video lecture on how to use your mobile device for...
Mobile Articles
3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Mobile Device mobile device" width="263" height="263" />Ever feel like your tablet or smart...
Do You Have These 5 Free Family History Apps? You Should!
Looking for family history apps? Check out these recent recommendations. Recently Diane Haddad over at Family Tree...
Genealogy Gems is Now Mobile-Friendly! Here are the Highlights
The Genealogy Gems website is now mobile-friendly. Your go-to family history resource just got a whole lot easier to...
Tools to Highlight Your Great Genealogy Finds
Snagit and Skitch can help you highlight screenshots and other digital images you capture for genealogy. Here's how!...
Dropbox vs. Backblaze: Does Cloud Storage for Genealogy Replace Computer Backup?
Does using cloud storage for genealogy (like Dropbox) replace having a computer backup service like Backblaze?...
Help! My Email Doesn’t Fit in Viewer Window
Recently I heard from Carol in St. Louis, Missouri, who was frustrated that she couldn't read my entire email...
The New Ancestry Site: New Features, Mixed Reviews
Ancestry's new site is now available to all U.S. users--across browsers, mobile devices, and the PC/Mac divide. It's...
Ancestry App for Apple Watch
Ancestry's new app for the Apple Watch brings new meaning to the idea of giving our ancestors "the time of day!" The...