The Press (York, UK) recently reported a story about 10 brothers who all enlisted to fight in World War I and the...
Military Articles
Preserving the Memories of Combat Veterans
If your family has a history of military service, you want to better understand the experience of war, or you want to...
FamilySearch Updates Include VA Pension Cards, South American Records
FamilySearch recently added another 192 million+ images and indexed records from North and South America and Europe to...
Afghanistan and Iraq Casualty Databases Now at Fold3
There's a saying that "past is present," and nowhere is that truth more apparent than family history. Sometimes we get...
WWII Letters From Soldier Daddy Finally Reach Daughter
A letter written to his infant daughter by an American soldier during World War II finally reached her--69 years...
FamilySearch: Civil Registrations, Military, SSDI and More!
It's hard to keep up with the content constantly being added online at FamilySearch! If you (like me) spent the past...
How to Save Fold3 Search Results to Your Family Tree
Now when you discover an ancestor's record on, you can save it to your online tree at
United States Colored Troops (USCT) Service Records Digitization Project
Here's the latest from the National Archives: National Archives Marks 150th Anniversary of U.S. Colored...
Find Your Confederate Civil War Soldiers
For the month of April, Fold3 is offering free access to its Confederate Civil War collections of more than 19 million...