What obstacles are you facing this week?
A research brick wall…
finding a particular record…
getting your stuff organized?
Leave your comments below
so we and other Gems can cheer you on.
Have a wonderful week!
What obstacles are you facing this week?
A research brick wall…
finding a particular record…
getting your stuff organized?
Leave your comments below
so we and other Gems can cheer you on.
Have a wonderful week!
I’ve had some southern US client projects lately and they are killing me! I try and tell myself that I can’t control what records exist or what they contain , but I hate giving back reports that mostly say “here is where we looked but found nothing”.
That’s one of the hardest things about doing professional research! Hang in there Brandt!
It’s amazing just how many John Scott’s there are in early 1700’s Virginia. I know through DNA that his is originally from Scotland. There are a lot of Scott lines that fade out to nothing when we get that far back in that area. We cannot connect. I am thinking of plotting out every place known to have a John Scott, where, and see if I can at least narrow down an area of Virginia.
You go girl! We’re cheering you on!
I’m feeling overwhelmed by the 35,110 (and growing!) Ancestry hints that I have to sort through. That’s not a typo. As of today, there are 30,298 records, 379 photos and 146 stories. Since I am the only one interested in this, I decided to delete everything except family trees, death certificates and the odd story that I find worth saving. I am finding hints that are marked unavailable and I wonder what they were. All I see is a shadow, no idea what it was or if it will ever come back. How many more are there? What am I missing?
There are thousands of duplicates, and I tire of seeing them over and over and over. They are caused by a new person (or a dozen new people) finding something and saving it. We ALL get a copy. Sigh….
My closest ancestors are well known, so their lives are well documented. Knowing about the wife of the step-son of my 6th cousin 4 times removed does not interest me.
I want a lean and manageable tree and once I am done getting the info I want, I am cancelling my Ancestry subscription. I can’t waste any more time going in circles. I have lived more years than I am going to live.
I hear you on the hundreds of hints and many are are my people but duplicate info. I probably will never close my Ancestry tree, because I keep making new connections and hope to get those illusions photos or RS itds.
This was a problem some didn’t see coming, but too many irrelevant and duplicate hints are here. I would like to see providing stronger filtering controls for hints rise to the top of their R&D list. Using the strategy of culling your online tree, or even breaking it up into smaller more focused trees is something I often suggest. I use my genealogy database on my computer as my master, back it all up to the cloud, and then strategically add info to trees based on the kinds of hints I want to generate. I cover this in the Genealogy Gems Premium video class “Take Control of Your Family Tree”.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story!
Kentucky and Ohio marriage and death records pre-1850….grrrrr!
I attended your Seminar at the Dallas Library last August. My family gathered together and compiled enough money for me to take the MotroCondrial test at FamilySearch DNA. The results are in, but I don’t know how to interpret them. I really can’t afford to pay Sonny or anyone else to tell me the results. I am 77 years old and retired on a limited income. My brother and sisters are in the same situation. What we most wanted to find out is if our GGGrandmother Sarah Hubbs showed up as a Cherokee Indian (full-bloodied) as a Native American. She and her mother survived the large earth quake that occurred in Eastern Missouri and Western Tennessee in 1812. Sarah was about 4 years old at the time. She married my GGGrandfather William Jackson Stone, and they were parents of 9 children (3 girls, 6 boys). The DNA results show Native Americans, but we don’t know how to interpret them. I have two adult children (51 and 44) who have returned to school and could use help in their tuition and books costs. Is there anyone who could help me? I would appreciate anything you could do.
HI Jan! A free way to possibly get some assistance is through Facebook. Go to Facebook and search for “Genetic Genealogy” and then click “Groups” in the menu. There are several to choose from and some are focused specifically on Native American DNA. If you decide you want a personal consultation, Diahan Southard at YourDNAGuide.com offers 1 hour consultations that might be enough to answer your initial question. Good luck!
I have not been able to find my GF, James A Ryan since the 1930 census. He was born 16 Feb 1907 in Manhattan, New York. He was living with his parents @ 82 44th St.NY, NY. I have researched and found all of his siblings but him. I was told he was a Stevedore but knowone in the family knows anything about him. With such a common name, I don’t Know where to look.
Hi Barbara, Have you tried Google Books? I ran a search for “James A Ryan” “New York” and filtered down to only free Google ebooks and there’s one page of results, many old city directors. It would be worth a try.
Since you’re a Premium Member, check out the “Google Books for Genealogy” video class under “Google” in the Premium Videos menu. Wishing you the best in your search!
Lisa: I attended your seminar last August at the Dallas Library. What a complete joy you and your team provided. It encouraged me to have my Mitochondrial DNA done because we believe my Great, Great Grandmother Sarah Hubbs was a full-bloodied Cherokee Indian. Both of my adult children age 43 and 52 have returned to school to become counselors to work with drug and alcholic users and abused wives. I am 77 years old and live on a very-limited income and cannot afford to pay someone to interpret the results we got in June from FamilyTreeDNA. The Native American did show up in my DNA and I would like to find out about it. Can you please help?
I am trying to find the ancestor of Stephen Nathaniel JOhnson born 1824 in Hancock Co GA. I know by DNA that he is from same line as LBJ(whose famly was in Georgia in early 1800) but unable to find the connection. No one seems to have researched the LBJ line except the direct line. Where are all the sibling of his gggggrand parents and the their children,.and so forth
Hi Barbara, Sounds like a challenge. I would suggest searching WorldCat.org if you haven’t already to see what may be published. Also Google Scholar (Chapter 11 in my book The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox, Second Edition) Best wishes for success!
Cannot find the maiden name of my great grandmother, Mary E., who married E.A. Estes either in Mississippi or Bowie County, TX in around 1856-1860. She was born around 1838 or ’39.
Although I’ve met family I never knew I had the within the last year through Ancestry, I haven’t touched my family tree or my blog in quite a while. I now want to start again but feel overwhelmed and disorganized. I have a lot of research in paper form and I’m slowing scanning it in. How do you organize your digital files?
One more question. I would like to set up my family tree on another online site to help me in my research. There are so many out there that I feel I may find more information in addition to Ancestry. Do you have a suggestion for another genealogy site?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Karen – I feel your pain with the big job of returning to genealogy and trying to get organized!
Organization resource:
I have two very specific video tutorial for Genealogy Gems Premium Members called “Hard Drive Organization”. It will show you exactly how I organize my digital files.
Family Tree Resource:
I use RootsMagic software to organize and store my master family tree file on my own computer (backed up to the cloud of course with http:www/backblaze.com/Lisa ) That way you fully control your data and can add information from a variety of genealogy websites. I cover this in the Genealogy Gems Premium video class “Take Control of Your Family Tree”.
Top Genealogy Websites:
Here at Genealogy Gems we refer to the top genealogy websites as the “Genealogy Giants”. Here’s the exact answer to your question: https://lisalouisecooke.com/giants/
Wishing you many genealogy gems!
I am searching for the parents and siblings of my great grandparents, George Grimmett and Lucinda Bonner. The only record I have located is a marriage license dated April 28, 1880 in Chambers, County Ala. My birth estimate for them is 1859 for George and 1862 for Lucinda.
Getting everything organized appears to be my biggest challenge. I have so much STUFF after 40 years of researching and, even though I try to digitize a lot of it, that leads to organizing the digitized items. So, whether it’s paper, documents, or images, I’d have to say “HELP! What is a quick and easy way to do this?” as my life doesn’t stop for me to attack this project.
Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.
Hi Linda,
Organization resource:
I have two very specific video tutorial for Genealogy Gems Premium Members called “Hard Drive Organization”. It will show you exactly how I organize my digital files. In the next few months we have another video slated for publication on paper organization.
Also, go to our home page at https://www.genealogygems.com and at the top (under the red newsletter button) click the Category drop-down menu and select “Organization”. That will take you to all the articles we’ve shared here at Genealogy Gems on the subject.
Isaac Hensley – Born in TN, he was in the first Cherokee Removal of 1818, was sent to AL. After the Treaties of 1837, 38, 39, he received two land grants 1839 & 1849 from two Presidents for Yell County, AR. At that time the Land office was in Fayetteville, AR. In 1843, he was appointed Postmaster of Scolia(?) Pope County which was later Yell County. His family believes he was alive until 1870, but there is a Probate in Missouri where it appears that everything was taken from him over alleged debts. He shows in 1850, and 1860 Yell County, AR Census. (Asking for a friend.)
My biggest challenge is figuring out which Harry Vaughan is my great grandfather.
Trying to find the name of Benajah Bennett’s first wife who “died in the North”. Benajah was born 1780, died 1841. His second wife was P0lly Putnam, but my ancestor Hiram 1803-1890 was the child of she who is unknown. The Bennetts lived in Bolton, NY. William, Rennsaeler, Polly, and possibly James were Hiram’s full siblings. Hiram headed to Michigan after the birth of his daughter Ellen in Aug. 1850
I’ve hit a brick wall. My ggrandmother was born and lived in Georgia. We think she lived there until about 1874-75. Our next record shows her living in NC with her father’s brother, single with a one year old child and teaching school. She is listed as her uncle’s niece and my grandfather is shown as his grand nephew (father born in Georgia). We don’t know what happened between 1874-75 and 1880. We don’t know who my grandfather’s father was. My brother did the YDNA test and it came up with “millions” of names so no real help so far. We’ll keep trying.
Hi Peggy: You might want to consider upgrading to the largest YDNA test if you haven’t already. That should help narrow the field. Best wishes!
I am having a terrible locating my GGGrandmother in the 1880 Census, as well as her son. My GGGrandfather is lusted as Widowed, but his wife’s death is documented as 26 September 1894 by Private records. The rest of the family is living in other households, including daughters aged 14 and 16. I’m trying to search Ohio and Michigan records for these two people. Where are they?
Hello! I’m researching who the parents of my 3x great-grandmother Hannah Burkholder b. 1818 in Duboistown, PA who married Christian Fausey are and it’s proving to be very challenging!
Wow! Where do I start…
I can’t find my paternal grandmother’s (Nannie) biological father; her mother, my great grandmother (Susie), doesn’t have a biological father that I can find; her mother, my g. g. grandmother (Mariah), doesn’t have a biological father that I can find; AND, her mother, my g. g. g. grandmother (Kate) had Mariah and another daughter before she married.
The other wall with this family is my great Uncle. He shot and killed a sheriff’s deputy in rural Virginia in 1912. I won’t go through all the salacious details BUT he never was captured after his last escape. Before he left the area, he talked to one of his favorite sisters, telling her that he was changing his name to Caldwell and was going to Arizona. I haven’t found any “Caldwells” in the western and southwestern records that I checked, on-line. I also discovered that many earlier relatives from this area of Virginia had moved to the Idaho, Oregon, Washington area in the mid to late 1800’s. I may have to contact some of these 3rd, 4th, 5th cousins to see if they will mention anything about him. They may still have that “hill folks” penchant of protecting family even if it’s over a hundred years ago.
Maternal Grandfather
My mother’s paternal family is from the Middle East (Yemen, mostly). Can you imagine trying to find records?! My maternal grandfather was the off-spring of a harem. I’ve been told that he had six or seven wives. I think that I’ve got the correct name of my grandfather’s mother. I may have found a relative in Australia through DNA. This young lady’s grandfather or great grandfather may the the brother of my maternal great grandmother. Without (good) records, it’s very hard to tell. I have a name that is probably that of my maternal grandfather’s grandfather (my g. g. grandfather…?). It’s difficult to contact maternal cousins. First, there’s the language barrier and, second, can you imagine the number of potential cousins from just my maternal great grandfather’s “families”, not to mention my g. g. grandfather’s potential “families”.
Maternal Grandmother
My maternal grandmother’s family is from Egypt. I have her parents names, though not my maternal great grandmother’s surname. That’s about it…I believe they lived in Cairo. Her ancestral family probably originated in Spain/Portugal…yes, Sephardic.
I bet you have a bunch of questions…some genealogical and some on how in the heck did these people get together to produce this hybrid!
Greg Looney
(No Joke!)
Now nearing 70, I’m feeling somewhat overwhelmed by my ever-expanding genealogy “to do” list (scanning boxes of family letters and documents and creating a ‘family archives’; finding that common ancestor in the early 19th century Poland to link 4 branches of the family; learning how to better analyze DNA, participating in multiple genealogy societies, etc.) and always worried that I haven’t written a comprehensive family history. And I’m often feeling guilty that I’m not making time for luncheon dates with other retired friends who don’t understand the time-intensive commitment of serious genealogy. Time management and juggling priorities are ever a concern.
My problem is in finding someone to do research in some locations. I know what records need to be checked (probate and deed records at a specific courthouse, for example) and am more than willing to pay for the research, yet I can’t find someone to do it. I can’t believe that I may need to drive seven hours to Indiana (and back when I’m done!) for a day’s worth of research.
Hi Larry: Try the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness groups on Facebook. There are people all over the U.S. and world there who are willing to help, and you may find some folks in just the areas you need. Best of luck!
My problem is a long history of starting new trees to fix an issue and ending with different problems. For over 20 years I have used Ancestry and FTM software. Then used RM to find and fix errors. Also my reading skills have always been poor. Now I understand better how RM can interact with the internet. Tried using RM to update from ancestry and family search. That added to my problems as the ancestry hidden issues (parent and family relationships)brought the errors back I thought had been fixed. As a 74 yr old senior I am now frustrated. My skills are declining. Facing a mass of data and trying to use RM to help clean up the data I do have. I now need a clearly defined plan of action. My goal is to clean up the data from immediate ancestors. Also document some important family experiences. Would like to recount some lessons learned from my research. PS Would very much like to see a concise overview of Roots Magic. As I have been researching for many years the videos are extremely frustrating. Have not found any brief explanation of how it works. Adding a source is a big issue. I Like using the sourcing on Family Search. When facing adding a source on RM I feel like 😳😜🤪😨😰🤢😴😴😴😴 Thanks for listening to my tale of woe.
Kate Vaughan
Looking for my husband’s great great grandfather, sea captain on French boats, wife died on way to America giving birth to son Orangon Cornelius Soul(Es) aka Oregon Soules and Oren C. Soules. His father, John Soul, the sea captain died at sea on trip back to France. Cannot find any info.
I have not been able to find very many primary sources about Amelie/Emelie Doty Stansbury. She was born in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. Parents were Reuben Doty and Marie Eurasie Borel. She passed away in 1878 at the Lydia Church in Louisiana. Her son, Lyman Stansbury’s death certificate shows her name as Mary Stansbury. The respondent was her husband, John Stansbury.
My brick wall is Amelie/Emelie Doty, 1833 to 1878. Amelie’s life was confined to St. Mary Parish in Louisiana. Parents were Reuben Doty, (a direct descendant of Edward Doty, a passenger on the Mayflower), born in Ohio, and Marie Eurasie Borel of Louisiana. She married John Stansbury and had several children. Her husband listed her as Mary Stansbury on the son Lyman’s death certificate from Beaumont, Texas.
I’ve been helping so much at my local genealogy society, that I haven’t had much time to do my own family research. Then when I get time, I don’t know where to start again! I’ve been researching since the late 1970s (off and on!). I have some ancestors that I have not ‘proven’ the parents/relationships. I think I need to do a ‘do-over’ to re-verify my sources. And how do you prove parents to an ancestor and what sources are the best for this proof? (In the 1800’s time frame).
This is more than a brick wall, its the great wall of China!
My dad was born in ukraine in 1925, to unwed parents and was given a surname that did not belong to either of his parents. How do I locate records of his parents? I know village names and approximate birth dates, but the records could be in Ukrainian, Russia, polish or even german or latin, I speak neither. I have several good DNA matches on dads side, but no one else has records either. There are records that end in 1870, but that too far back to even begin to make a connection.
I have 3 separate 25 year old brick walls in NC that I could really use help with. I’m sure these could probably be broken if I knew where records could be located in Sampson/Duplin Counties, Edgecombe or Halifax Counties.
For a long time now I have been trying to find my third great grandfather bith place. All the cences say Joseph Hutcheson was born 1798 Pennsylvania. He moved to Ohio was married to Shara McEwen. They lived in Columbia county Ohio, they had seven children there, but I can’t seem to find much there either. They moved to Vincennes, Iowa around 1856. Two son died at the being of civil war while in service. Mom died shortly after. Not a record of when dad Joseph died.
My 3rd Great Grandfather died in Illinois and on find a grave they said he was buried in Clinton, Indiana, then relative said he died in Iowa. We kind of know he was buried in Illinois but can not find his grave, he was supposed to be buried with two of his children. After he died his wife moved to Iowa to be with one of their sons. What do we do now?
My great grandmother was in Camarillo State Hospital on the 1940 census. I have contacted Metropolitian State Hospital where the records are located and the State of California to obtain information concerning her admission and whether she died while in the institution. I need her date of death and can not find any death records on her. Both agencies claim they have no information or state she was never a patient. This has been a very difficult process for me as I need a copy of her death certificate.
Hang in there Eileen. Genealogy Gems Podcast Episode 219 is right up your alley! I encourage you to take a listen if you haven’t already 🙂
Trying to solve an almost 80-year-old family mystery.
My Dad’s unmarried sister had a son in 1939, and always gave a certain name as the birth-father. Recently, her son took a DNA test, and we determined that the guy that we always thought was the birth-father was not.
Thanks to many of his second cousins who tested, we now have the names of his grandparents, BUT the grandparents had a number of sons who could have been the birth-father. Then last week, a match appeared on Ancestry that was designated as a “Close family – 1st cousin” with “1,502 centimorgans shared across 71 DNA segments.” We’re guessing that this is probably a half-sibling, but want to be sure. To date, the match hasn’t responded to us, so it’s a case of “so close, yet so far.” Given my cousin’s age and health, I would really like to solve this mystery for him sooner than later, so that’s my biggest challenge at the moment!
My Scottish ancestors emigrated from the Isle of Eigg in the Outer Hebrides.It was recently featured in a segment of “60 Minutes”. I know from marriage records, that my great grandparents were married in Tyree, Ayrshire, Scotland. The challenge is keeping the various cousins and arms on the family tree distinct. John,”The Pioneer” McKinnon, married Eunice McLeod,whose Father, Niel arrived in 1791.How do I find their Fathers in the old country? Several cousins are either Angus Mcleod,or Angus McKinnon. John’s son Lachlin had a son,Donald but so did his brother.There is a Laughlin McKinnon a.k.a. Lauchie. I have begun by putting the date of birth in the suffix box. Do you have any other suggestions?
Trying to learn my paternal grandfather’s real name.
Searching for forty years for the parents and wife of Daniel Cain of Guilford County, NC. Records of him begin on deeds as a chain carrier in 1774. Because of DNA of first cousin, we found his brothers and a distant cousin to us. Brothers appear to be Russil, Jerediah and Andrew. Daniel Cain moved to Greene County, Ohio between 1803 and 1808 where he died in 1851. I’ve proven this is my ancestor but my goal is to find Daniel,s parents and wife. Can someone suggest records to search. Thanks
I have been trying to find my Great-grandfather Thomas Alexander Hayden b. 1841 in Missouri. He was cremated in Oregon or maybe Washington,USA. He last lived in Washtucna, WA. in 1920 census.
Wondering about the conference in October in Sandy, Utah. Would be the same price if I can only attend on Friday?
Or is it not worth only coming for one day? I can’t get Thursday off work.
Leah Bowthorpe
Hi Leah,
Yes, it is one price for both days. (Don’t forget you can use coupon code ROOTS2018 for 50% off, which comes out to just $34.50). So you will definitely get plenty of wonderful instruction even if you can only come for one of the days. Plus, you’ll still get the handouts and worksheets from all of the sessions, including the ones you missed. It is well worth it!
My paternal grandmother and great aunt were twins who were born on March 2, 1900 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. They were adopted by Dr. William D. Haight and his wife, Ida (Lacey) Haight. How can I find out who the birth parents were?
Thank you.
Do what I did…go to the Court House where they were born and petition for the release of their birth records. It may take several weeks, but I was successful requesting birth and adoption records of my step father. Good luck!
Go to the Court House in the town where they were born and petition for the release of their records. I was successful obtaining my step-fathers birth and adoption records. It make take several weeks for the judge to approve. Good luck@!
Have tried to locate family of 3x great GM, Maria French of Connecticut (b 1813-1820; d 1900), for over a decade. First known record is church membership roll of the North Haven Congregational Church, which she joined in July 1840, as a single woman. No other members w/ same surname in history of church. Those who joined the same day have no apparent relationship to her.
All pertinent census records No link to known French families in Connecticut. Have examined probate records of several potential families in surrounding towns, but she is not mentioned in any. No known siblings for Maria. Have also looked at Rev War pension records for Conn soldiers with surname French – no leads there either.
In 1842 she married Edwin Collier in Wallingford Congregational Church (neighboring town). They lived in Wallingford, Woodbridge and New Haven, Ct during their married life. Marriage record only includes names of bride, groom & minister. Land records from their married life offer no clues as to relatives.
Family lore from different descendants (unknown to one another until recently) claims she is Native American or part NA. An mtDNA test on a direct female descendant shows European mtDNA, so if she was part NA, it wasn’t via that line.
Maria’s death record lists her birthplace as Yalesville (a section of Wallingford, Ct) and gives only her father’s surname, but no first name. The mother’s name was not a question on the death record so no indication there.
On two of her children’s death records, a couple of informants (son and grandson) gave her name as Maria Hough/Hoff. Can not find any marriages between French/Hough in Conn (thinking maybe her mother was widowed, then remarried and that was how Hough surname entered the story, or that Maria had a prior marriage). Death records for her other 6 children all list her as Maria French. Maria & husband were buried in single graves, no tombstones. No additional information in cemetery records.
Have temporarily run out of ideas to investigate. Any suggestions?
My biggest obstacle is time. Too many websites to follow, trees to watch, DNA to master, and no time to do clean up and management😩
I am trying to find a marriage license for my grandmother and grandfather. They eloped in or around 1920 and were married according to family lore in Rockville, Maryland. I cannot find any record in the State of Maryland that lists a marriage license. I don’t know if a license was required back then. They probably went to a justice of the peace but I don’t know if JOP’s were required to file marriage certificates with the state.
My 2nd GGF, John Lawry/Lowry was born about 1802 in Virginia. (Died in New Hampshire) All the info I have is that his father was John and his Mother was Elizabeth. I can think of no where else for help.
My issue is organizing the paper files and the electronic files. I have several books and online articles that all seem great and I’ve tried to pick the one that would be best for me. Working through everything and it takes lots of time.
My brick wall is the reason I began researching. My grandmother Narkie was born between 1882 and 1884 in Graham Co or Buncombe Co, NC. Or maybe somewhere in between these 2 counties! When I would ask about Narkie’s father all I was told was let the past lie or he was a man from out west, meaning Graham Co. They were living in Haywood Co, NC when I was asking the questions. For her SS application, delayed birth application etc Nakie always put her father as Oliver Hamlet. She never signed the paperwork her self. I was told she did not want to sign something that was not true. Her mother married Oliver Hamlet during 1887. It was interesting that Narkie drew a line on her marriage application where you would write the name of father. This was 1900. I remember Narkie always calling Oliver – Mr.Hamlet. My grandfather told me that Narkie’s father was part Native American and there was more Indian in the family. One uncle told me her father’s last name was Hornbuckle and was from Cherokee NC. When I asked other family members they remembered a Clifford Hornbuckle who would come and eat Sunday supper with the family. Clifford was Native American. That is if I have the right man. I have not been able to connect the family to the Native American Hornbuckles.
I am searching for Robert Charles Burton. The earliest record I have of him is 1840 living in Fayette Co., TN next door to his father-in-law, Anthony Ages (Agee). Robert’s wife, Jane L. Agee, 1814, was found in the 1830 Fayette Co., TN census at about 16 years. In 1840 she is found as Robert Burton’s wife with 4 children. The 1850 census states that she was born in AL; the 1870 census states TN. The family moved from TN to MS, and finally settled in Drew County, AR with 11 children. I have searched for years but not found Robert’s parents or where he was born, etc. The census states that he was born in NC. I have info on most of the children; four of the males were in the Civil war; 3 of them were killed. One thing that is quite confusing is the spelling of his last name. In 1860 census, it is spelled as “Berdon” and “Berton”; he is living with the Thomas Lyle family, #908: 8 children and 1 grandchild. I did find a death date: 22 Feb 1868. His wife Jane L. Burton is found in 1 870 and 1880. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
cannot find my grandmothers (Clara Alma Stephenson) fathers birth records. The information about George Stephenson is he was born in Ohio about 1855-58 and died Cleveland Cuyahoga Ohio 20 Nov. 1925. married Adele Florence Dean in Manhattan New York 12 Oct. 1879. She was born in Medina County Ohio in 1857 and died 5 Apr. 1937 in Cleveland ohio. They resided in Cleveland Ohio from 1890 until their deaths. Children Jessie, Collin R, Clara Alma, Edward, Mariette.They lived a short time in New York city and three of the children were born in Marshall county Illinois. He states father born in New York.
I am headed to the Family History Library in SLC at the end of the month. I’ll have four days to research! Any tips for making the best use of my time?
What I want? Break some brick walls. Like was my paternal g-g-g-grandfather found under a rock. What little I know about him, I learned in the first two weeks of my start in genealogy in 1998. Then there’s another paternal g-grandfather who was an orphaned within a month of birth (according to family lore). Who were his parents? How did they die? Brick walls in my mother’s side as well.
What I NEED? Organize my genealogy “office” and my files both paper and digital.
I am more than frustrated.
I’ve read some of the comments and feel like many of the others. I’m running out of time. My brick wall at the top of the bucket list….3rd gr-grandfather Jacob Haught b. 1760/65 (Va. on the Census records) d. after 1850 Census. His oldest son, my 2nd gr-grandfather, was christened in German Reformed Lutheran Ch. as Johan Peter Heyd, 4 April 1787, Fayette Co., Pa. We have “Haught Family of America” DNA project going. There are 3 distinct Haught lines coming out of the same area western Pa. Eager beavers have sealed about 50 kids to my Jacob on FamilySearch, they are well-intentioned but incorrect. There “are” several Jacob Haughts which has caused some of the confusion. My Jacob married (1) Magdalene Croushour/Kraushaar and when she passed md. (2) her sister Mary Croushour/Kraushaar who may have been married to a Mr. Hite for her first marriage and brought children into themarriage. Their other sister Catherine married John Haught who was not related to my Jacob. TRYING TO FIND MY JACOB’S PARENTS, who may have migrated from Alsace/Lorraine area.
I have searched for over 10 years on the death (records, certificates, cemeteries) of my 2x great grandmother, Christina Johnston and her daughter Amy(Emma, Emme) Johnston (born in 1868 in Bay County, Michigan) between 1870-1880. Christina arrived from Scotland in 1866 with her husband, William daughter Mary and son William Robert. They had a son (my great grandfather) who stayed in Scotland until 1871 when he joined the family in Michigan. Last location known of all the family was the 1870 US Census in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Christina’s husband, William Johnston and their other children together, Mary and William (Willie Robert) made it to Holyoke, Mass for the 1880 US Census where William lists himself as a widow. Somewhere between Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1870 and Holyoke, Massachusetts 1880 Christina and Amy died. But where?