season look-alike photosDo you have any look-alike family photos? Check out these uncanny resemblances–and more ideas for what to do with old family photos.

Recently I heard from Season. “Thought you might enjoy a photo of my 87-year old grandmother at age 18 and my daughter now age 7,” she wrote. They are 80 years apart–but they could be sisters (or even the same girl).

Season’s photo reminds me of a blog post I wrote last fall about a new app that uses facial recognition technology to see “how related” they think are people in two different photos. Check out that post and the look-alike photos there!

In recent months, lots of look-alike relative photos have appeared online. I like this article that shares several sets of photos submitted to Pinterest as part of a look-alike contest by Here’s another link to some relative look-alikes among celebrity families, from daughters of Meryl Streep to brothers Luke and Owen Wilson.

facebook family history crowdsource memoriesWhat Else Can You Do with Family Photos? Gems to Consider

Use Facebook for Gathering Family History

Make a Family Calendar

Family History Photo Display with Mementos


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