I often hear people claim that genealogy is one of the most popular hobbies (or THE most popular hobby) in the world. Certainly from where I sit, I can see the

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Here’s an infographic sent to me by Zacary Spencer at the popular tech webiste TopTenReviews.com. He gathered data from several different sources buy medication from mexico (including the Genealogy Gems Podcast) that shows a thriving international interest!
Demand is high for Genealogy Gems free and premium content, as you can see by my stats:
- Downloads in August 2013 alone: 72,458!
- Free Podcasts: 160
- Premium Podcasts: 102
- Free Videos on our YouTube channel: over 75, and over 200,000 views
- Premium Videos: 18
- Apps: 3 (iOS, Android, Windows8)
- The Real Genealogy Gems: YOU! Our thousands of listeners and viewers! THANK YOU!!